Authority to Speak Authorisation Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please be aware that only one authority to speak can be active on your account. If you have previously provided an authority to speak, the existing authority will be overwritten with this submission. Participants Name *FirstLastDate of Birth *Drivers Licence Number *Participants Email *Authorised Person *FirstLastAuthorised Person's Date of Birth *Authorised Person's Phone Number *Authorised Person's relationship to Participant *ie. Parent, Sibling, Domestic partner, Friend, power of attorneyAuthority to Speak *I, the abovementioned participant, confirm that by submitting this form I am providing the abovementioned authorised person full and complete authority to discuss my Alcohol Interlock Program with Guardian Interlock Systems Australasia Pty Ltd. I understand that this includes access to program event logs, financial transactions, personal details, vehicle details and any other information provided to Guardian Interlock Systems.Submission Date *Submit